How to choose the right international logistics? Pay attention to these two points in cross-border e-commerce!
Release time:2023-07-07 Source:Guolian Logistics views:202

International logistics in foreign trade is the most important and indispensable link in the trade of cross-border e-commerce products.

International logistics and cross-border e-commerce are also inseparable. Therefore, cross-border e-commerce sellers are very cautious when choosing international logistics companies to ensure that they can enjoy high-quality international transportation services. How to choose the right international logistics company? Cross border e-commerce sellers should pay attention to these two points!


One is which one encounters that one during the peak season.


The ability to handle goods during peak seasons is strong, and efficient and fast handling of goods can still be achieved during peak seasons. Most channels do not schedule warehouses during peak seasons, helping cross-border e-commerce to smoothly solve the problem of difficult logistics delivery during peak seasons.


Following the trend of market development, we continuously strive to integrate resources such as express delivery, air freight, sea freight, FBA first leg, railway transportation, etc. in the surrounding and domestic markets, and continuously improve our own service quality. Our company has created a high-quality international logistics and freight company with high safety, good service, reasonable price, and fast and stable time!


The second is that the service attitude is still poor even if it is priced or not in the market.


What is the cultivation of logistics enterprises, what is the core competitiveness of enterprises, the multiple links of products during transportation, and the complex and ever-changing international environment. If there is a problem with the goods and there is no professional logistics service company to help solve it, it will bring a lot of trouble to the seller. When the goods are detained or cleared, the freight forwarder conceals or does not notify the seller in place,


This will incur various expenses, such as warehousing fees, and the seller will also give you a negative review, indicating the importance of their professional services. In terms of logistics services, we adhere to the concept of professionalism, focus, dedication, and delivery, continuously optimizing the logistics service process and improving the level of logistics services.


Qibang International Logistics Company has a professional management team and employee team, and will do its best to provide customers with a one-stop international logistics transportation solution from shipment to receipt. At the same time, there are dedicated personnel to track goods throughout the process, making you feel at ease and comfortable, making logistics more worry free, and making foreign trade easier.


Both of the above points are well-known to cross-border e-commerce sellers, who can find a professional and reliable international logistics company.

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