What is the difference between inspection and quarantine in international logistics?
Release time:2023-07-07 Source:Guolian Logistics views:163

Import and export goods involve many links, one of which is inspection declaration. Friends who have heard about customs declaration may not be very familiar with the concept of inspection declaration. Some friends may also have the question, whether all goods need to be inspected, and what is the difference between inspection declaration and inspection declaration?


Difference 1: Differences in management authorities.

Customs clearance, simply understood as declaring goods to the customs, with the competent authority being the customs; When applying for inspection, the goods should be directly declared to the inspection and quarantine institution, whose competent authority is the inspection and quarantine institution.

Difference 2: The order of appearance is sequential.

Generally, inspection is applied for before customs declaration. Customs only accepts customs declaration applications after the inspection and confirmation by the commodity inspection department, while document review and release require inspection before release. Generally speaking, the customs only accepts the customer's inspection application after the inspection department confirms that there are no errors, and then carries out a series of review, release, and other processes.

However, in the practical application of international logistics companies, not all goods need to be inspected. Only goods that are explicitly stipulated by certain countries need to be inspected, and all import and export goods need to be declared, which is beyond doubt.

Difference three: Each performs its own duties and does not interfere with each other.

As mentioned earlier, not all goods need to be inspected, so it can be found that customs declaration and inspection are two mutually independent processes, and they will not affect other processes because there is no one process. However, in actual import and export, if it is clearly stipulated that inspection should be applied for, the inspection form is usually filled out simultaneously to avoid deviation.

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