What are some things to pay attention to when sending international logistics?
Release time:2023-07-07 Source:Guolian Logistics views:656

Unlike domestic express delivery, there are many things to pay attention to when sending international logistics, mainly because there are many links involved in international transportation of goods, coupled with differences in language, culture, time, law, and other aspects between countries. Compared to international express delivery, international express delivery is more prone to cargo abnormalities, and the difficulty of handling abnormalities is high, resulting in high processing costs.

The instructions for filling out the package, whether it is domestic or international logistics, require real name delivery. Individual postal delivery requires corresponding identification, while enterprise postal delivery requires a business license. After filling in the address, we need to pay attention to two aspects: firstly, the mailing address should be as detailed as possible and the contact information should be accurate; On the other hand, the postal code information cannot be filled in incorrectly, otherwise it will result in the package being unable to be delivered normally.

The mailing requirements for sensitive products, photosensitive products, i.e. non regular products, include batteries, liquids, pastes, powders, magnets, recipes, etc. To deliver these sensitive goods, it is not only necessary to choose targeted delivery channels, but also to obtain corresponding certification documents in accordance with UK policy requirements. When delivering, it is also necessary to follow the standards of the courier company, pack correctly, and use DHL International Express or FedEx International Express for express transportation channels.

Liquids, ointments, powders, and cosmetics can all be transported through the UK international logistics line. Items with magnets require air freight inspection before transportation. Food, books, counterfeit brands, and other items can all be sent by international EMS courier. In terms of proof documents, all types of sensitive items require proof.

Items with power supply require UN38.3 testing. Liquid, creamy, and cosmetic products require MSDS certification, i.e. chemical safety instructions. The packaging of sensitive items and electrical items mainly involves insulation, and transportation is limited by the number and weight of batteries. Liquid agents mainly need to be properly sealed to prevent items from overflowing. Other types of products with high sensitivity have corresponding packaging requirements. You can consult online customer service for detailed information.

Customs clearance and tariff considerations. Like other EU countries, the threshold for UK tariffs is currently 22 euros and is expected to change after Brexit. The starting point for tax rates is very low, which makes it easy to generate tariffs. Individual emails only require payment of corresponding customs duties as required. Cross border e-commerce sellers who mail goods not only have to pay customs duties, but also value-added tax. Most cross-border e-commerce sellers and individuals can choose to mail packages through DDP pre paid tariff channels to solve the problem of tariff payment.

Compared to Amazon sellers, DDP withholding tax requires the use of their own tax number, otherwise the product will be found not to pay value-added tax, and the product cannot be sold.


Choosing an express delivery channel is crucial for the logistics industry to reach the UK, as it not only meets their mailing needs but also saves on logistics costs. Everyone can make choices based on their own characteristics. You can also consult online customer service to obtain professional logistics solutions.

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