Choosing a suitable international logistics company should pay attention to these four points
Release time:2023-07-07 Source:Guolian Logistics views:132

International logistics is an essential and important link for foreign trade enterprises to carry out foreign trade activities, and choosing a suitable logistics service provider is particularly important. Many cross-border e-commerce sellers and foreign trade enterprises engaged in foreign trade activities choose to ship goods through international logistics companies because they are cheaper than international express delivery companies.

In recent years, the development of cross-border e-commerce has also driven the development of the international logistics industry. Many international logistics companies have emerged in the market, and now there are many international logistics companies with varying service levels. The service level of freight forwarding enterprises directly affects the efficiency of logistics transportation, the safety of goods, etc. Therefore, the selection of international logistics companies should be given more attention. When choosing an international logistics company, foreign traders should pay attention to four points.

1、 Service level

High service level international logistics companies can provide better logistics services for foreign trade enterprises and help them save a lot of trouble. Only with high-quality service can international logistics companies handle problems properly. So when choosing an international logistics company, foreign trade merchants should evaluate it from aspects such as service attitude, business capabilities, and after-sales service.

After sales is very important. After placing an order, the goods will be transported and delivered for a period of time, so we often need to contact international logistics companies. After sales can guarantee our rights and interests. When goods are lost, damaged, etc. during transportation, after-sales personnel can contact us to help apply for compensation.

2、 Company reputation

The company's reputation is a very important point, and the quality of a company can refer to its reputation in the industry. Company reputation can be gained by drawing on the experience of previous generations to understand the foundation of international logistics companies. We can inquire about the company's situation online or directly consult with logistics service providers who have cooperative relationships. We can choose companies with good reputation and those with good reputation in the industry.

3、 Logistics costs

As is well known, the profit of a product depends not only on operating costs, but also on logistics costs. Logistics costs will affect our pricing of products. So, the lower the logistics cost, the more profits our products can earn. When choosing international logistics companies for cooperation, foreign trade companies generally choose international logistics companies with relatively lower prices in the same logistics channel when comparing with other aspects of international logistics companies.

Although the price difference between logistics channels is not significant, long-term use can save a lot of costs for shippers with stable transportation demand and large cargo volumes.

4、 Professional level

Professionalism is also a key aspect of our evaluation when choosing international logistics companies. International logistics companies with higher professionalism are more efficient in handling affairs and possess richer professional knowledge, which can provide better services for foreign trade merchants.

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