What are the main characteristics and business scope of international logistics companies? What progress has been made compared to the past?
Release time:2023-07-05 Source:Guolian Logistics views:177

International logistics companies are freight forwarding companies that mainly provide international logistics services. International logistics companies are indispensable and an important part of international trade. Now, I will take you to learn about international logistics companies.


International logistics companies mainly operate:


1、 The business scope of international logistics companies includes international air freight, international customs, customs declaration, trade agency, warehousing, and other related services that form a link. International logistics companies, as an important part of international trade, are essential for the circulation of goods in the freight industry. They sign agency agreements with airlines and shipping companies and control their own cabin and loading rights.


2、 The main service targets of international logistics companies are composed of commercial enterprises, manufacturers, individuals, etc. The main job responsibilities include factory handling, booking, customs clearance, warehousing, domestic logistics, packaging, etc. The transportation mode is a transportation form formed by transportation enterprises using different transportation tools, equipment, and routes through different organizational management. Before the use of power machinery, the main modes of transportation were people, livestock, wind, water, and other means of transportation, such as carrying, carrying, pulling, and pushing. Only after the use of Multiple unit can the transportation mode be modernized.


3、 Modern means of transportation include cableway transportation, conveyor belt transportation, etc. With the advancement of technology, new means of transportation will also emerge. The transportation industry is the material foundation of a virtuous cycle of the national economy, and the reasonable development of transportation modes is crucial for the rapid development of the national economy. Develop various transportation modes in a planned and targeted manner based on technical and economic characteristics, resource status, geographical characteristics, production level, overall national economic planning, and regional planning.


4、 Compared to before, it has optimized its risk tolerance and made international logistics more multifunctional, and strengthened the requirements for information systems and standardization in various transportation modes. International logistics companies are following the changes of the times, shifting from simple connections with a single function to comprehensive service functions that promote supply chain integration. International logistics companies will meet the needs of users with good business reputation.


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