Multimodal Transport
Release time:2023-07-05 Source:Guolian Logistics views:457

Guolian has a high-quality and experienced professional team in multimodal transportation, and we promise to be responsible for the entire process once entrusted. Sea air intermodal transport services are mainly transferred to all parts of the world via Nanjing, Shanghai, Beijing, etc., transferred to Europe via Dubai, Istanbul, and transferred to South America via Los Angeles, Miami, etc; Guolian provides sea rail intermodal transportation services from Hefei North to Ningbo Port. The operation time from Hefei North to Ningbo Port is 24 hours, with daily shipping. It can implement two methods: regional customs clearance and transit customs declaration; In addition, the China Europe and Trans-Caspian railway trains with Hefei and Zhengzhou as the starting points of the Foreign Union will provide customers with diversified multimodal transport services such as sea rail combined transport, sea air combined transport, sea land combined transport and other multimodal transport services in combination with the transportation advantages of the Yangtze River branch lines such as Wuhu Port and Port of Nanjing.

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